What to consider for SCORM files

You can include external content in reteach via SCORM. Find important information here.

1. What is SCORM?

2. How do I enter SCORM contents into my academy?

3. Common issues and questions



1. What is SCORM?

If you want to offer online courses, are looking for a LMS or use an authoring tool, you will likely have come across the acronym SCORM. SCORM stands for Sharable Content Object Reference Model and is a technology which offers an uniform interface for online learning content. This means when creating a lesson or a course, we can enter the contents into a SCORM package which can be read by SCORM-compatible systems. Therefore it is possible to e.g. transfer a SCORM course from one LMS to another without losing any information.



2. How do I include SCORM contents in my academy?

If you have already created contents such as lessons (videos, tutorials, quizzes, hand-ins) or ready-made SCORM courses with an authoring tool, you can directly insert those into a lesson of your course.

Enter the tab of your course in the admin section and create a new lesson of the type SCORM/xAPI.

Screenshot 2024-07-24 at 20.54.42

In the lesson you can now find a field in which you can enter your SCORM contents (zip file) via Drag & Drop or select them from your files.

Screenshot 2024-07-24 at 20.56.18

Finally, you have the option to determine the page ratio of your SCORM content so it is displayed in accordance with your content settings. For this, click the pen button below the file.

Important: If you would like for your participants to only be able to finish the course once the entire SCORM course has been completed, then tick the box next to "Mandatory lesson" on the right side in the lesson:

Screenshot 2024-07-24 at 22.51.44

3. Common issues and questions

What to do when experiencing issues with SCORM courses?

If the SCORM courses have been created using an external authoring tool, the quickest and easiest way is to contact their support team first.

Why is the learning process not displayed using 0 - 100%, as it usually is?

The course participation is marked completed after finishing the course, however, reteach cannot measure the learning process in percent for SCORM courses. The system still remembers where the participant left off and allows them to pick up exactly there, though.

Why is course participation not marked as finished?

In order to ensure optimal data transfer of the learning outcomes from the SCORM course to reteach, an exit button should be placed on the last page of the course. Without such a button, the chance of losing data for finished courses is significantly higher. Best practice is to contact the support team of your authoring tool to incorporate this button.

Why does the SCORM course appear so small in the academy?

If more than one SCORM lesson is included in a course, they may be displayed too small or thin. To prevent this, best practice is to create a separate course for each SCORM file.

Why is the SCORM course taking so long to load?

SCORM files can have a slightly higher loading time. Unfortunately, reteach has no influence on this.

How large can a SCORM file be?

reteach supports SCORM files in sizes up to 4GB.