What is the participant dashboard?

The participant dashboard gives all participants in the academy an overview over completed courses and much more.

Ready to continue?

Displays the last unfinished course, if available.


Displays either courses that are publicly visible to all participants or private courses to which the respective participant has been invited.

My Courses

An overview of private courses to which you have been invited, or public courses that you have started or bookmarked.

Mandatory Courses & Due in the Next 30 Days

Shows all mandatory courses as part of the compliance workflow that need to be completed either once or repeatedly. This tab is only displayed if the compliance workflow is activated. The same applies to the window on the right - Due in the Next 30 Days.

My Achievements

Displays an overview of learning time, completed courses, and certificates. These can also be downloaded again here.

There is also the "My Account" tab.

Here, certificates can be accessed again. In the account management section, participants also have the option to correct personal data.


Can the menu be hidden for the participant?

No, this is currently not possible.

Will data corrections automatically be reflected in the academy?

Yes, the change will automatically be updated in the backend within the participant management system.