What do I need to consider whilst closing the agreement over contract data processing (AVV)?

As reteach stores personal data (employees, participants, customers), an AVV must be entered.

As operator of the platform, the Susell GmbH acts as contractor for the contract data processing for you as a customer of reteach. You as customer are the contracting authority. This means reteach processes personal data of your employees, customers and other participants on your behalf. This includes, but is not limited to, email addresses, names, but also data regarding the learning progress and more.

According to 28 GDPR, an AVV is to be entered here (often also called ADV or DPA). We have made this process easy for you so you can close the AVV electronically.


Steps to complete the AVV

On your profile you will find a notification on your dashboard if you have not yet agreed to the contract data processing. It is important that the electronic agreement is entered by an authorised person.

If your company employs a data protection officer, please forward the AVV to them for inspection.

After agreement, the contract over contract data processing with us is closed electronically. You can find this for download in the customer profile under Settings - Legal.


Attached: AVV

In addition, you can find the agreement to contract data processing to present to your data protection officer for inspection here: Download (PDF)

Individual AVV

 If you would like to enter an individual AVV with us, we are happy to do so for an allowance expense of EUR 90,- plus 19% VAT for examination, agreement and handling. Please contact us under datenschutz@reteach.io