The admin's and participant's view

Login as admin for managing vs. login as a participant for the courses

In reteach, there are two roles: Admin and participant.

1) Admins:

As admin you manage the reteach account. The login as admin is done via and leads you to the admin section of your academy.

There, you can create courses and manage participants. The participants themselves have no access to the admin section. You, however, can create further admin accounts for colleagues

As admin, you can utilise the preview button on the top right of the page to see the academy from the participant's point of view.

To have the authentic participant's experience of visiting the page, you should create a member profile (How to create a member profile), log in as a participant and thus have an outside perspective.

Remember: The login as participant is done through your academy's URL.


2) Participants

Participants only have the outside perpective onto your academy's URL. There, participants log in and have access to the courses enabled for them.