How to install further communication channels for participants

How you can incorporate channels for message and data exchange for participants

Reteach offers a comment feature for direct message exchange between participants. However, if you want to create a forum in your academy, you'll need to integrate an external provider into reteach.


External applications or services can be best integrated using the Embed-Code lesson. Learn how to optimally embed applications and services here.


For a forum, group chat, or feed, it’s recommended to create a course that consists of only one lesson. This has the advantage of displaying the chosen content without a lesson path. This lesson will then include the embed code from the external provider.


Check out the following examples:

  1. Integrating Group Chat/Feed using Slack
  2. Integrating Group Chat/Feed using DeadSimpleChat

Integrating Group Chat/Feed using Slack

Slack is an application that allows dynamic communication in a team or group through various channels.

Slack doesn’t provide a direct function to generate an embed code that can be copied into the Embed-Code lesson in reteach. Therefore, you can use one of the following services to generate an embed code for your Slack team and then integrate it into reteach.

  1. Embed Slack via Taggbox
  2. Embed Slack via Tagembed

Once you’ve generated an embed code using one of these services, you just need to paste it into your Embed-Code lesson in reteach.

After that, participants can access the Slack channel. It’s best to name the course "Slack" or "Forum" so that it’s easily recognizable. Also, make sure that the course is set to public or private.

Integrating Group Chat/Feed using DeadSimpleChat

Another tool for such a chat/channel function for message or file exchange is the application "DeadSimpleChat."

The advantages here are: there is a free version, it’s very easy to integrate, and you can directly generate an embed code for your chat without needing another provider.


  1. Create a free DeadSimpleChat account.
  2. Once in the dashboard, create a new chat.

3. Choose a name and save your chat.

4. Optionally, set it so that files can also be sent through the chat.

5. Copy the pre-generated embed code for your chat.

6. Paste the copied code into your iFrame-Code lesson and save it.

After that, participants in your academy can access the new course with the chat. You can name the course "Chat" or "Forum" so that it’s easily recognizable. Also, make sure that the course is set to public or private.

You can also integrate a WhatsApp chat into the academy:

We tried this with WhatsApp as an example. The link is: Replace the Xs with the respective phone number.

You can also embed this URL in an iFrame:

<iframe id="whatsapp" src="" style="width: 800px; height: 680px"></iframe>