How to import multiple participants

How new participants can be imported collectively via Excel or CSV

Navigate to the "Participants" section in reteach. Then click on the "Teilnehmer*innen hinzufügen" (Add Participants) button and select "Import".

Screenshot 2024-08-28 at 10.15.11

You can now upload CSV and XLSX files from your computer. To correctly add participants, you can download our template, which already contains the most important fields where you can enter your participants' data. You can find the template after clicking on "Import".

Excel 3

Here’s an overview of all the columns that can be imported. The order does not matter. However, it is important that either an email address or a username is provided, as participants will use this information to log in.

  • Vorname - Please enter the participants' first names here.

  • Nachname - Please enter the participants' last names here.

  • Benutzername - Here, you can enter a username that your participants can use to log in as an alternative to an email address.

  • Geschlecht - Here, you can enter your participants' gender. The allowed inputs are: "m" for male, "w" for female, and "d" for diverse.

  • Geburtsdatum - Here, you can enter the date of birth. The date format should be as follows: DD.MM.YY (Example: 24.10.1987).

  • Sprache - Here, you can enter the participants' language. Currently, the available inputs are: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Italienisch, Polnisch, Ukrainisch, Slowenisch, Tschechisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht)  & Russisch (German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Ukrainian, Slovenian, Czech, Chinese (simplified), and Russian).

    Please note that other languages cannot be entered as reteach does not support them at this time.

  • E-Mail - Please enter the participants' email addresses here, which they will use to log in to the academy later. If no email address is provided, a username must be provided. Otherwise, the import will fail.

  • Notiz - Here, you can add a note.

  • Firma - Here, you can enter the participant's company.

  • Abteilung - Here, you can specify the participant's department.

  • Benachrichtigungs-E-Mails - Enter the email address where additional notifications about events, such as course completions or certificates, should be sent. For example, you can enter a supervisor's email address here.

    This person will also receive a notification if a participant does not complete a course by the due date. Multiple email addresses can be entered, separated by commas.

  • Tags - Enter custom tags here, which you can use to filter your participants later. A tag could be, for example, the company’s location. This allows you to easily filter participants by location later.

    You can add up to 50 tags. The tags in the template must be numbered sequentially in the column header. Example: Tag 1, Tag 2, Tag 3, ... , Tag 48.

  • Passwort - Here, you can set a password for your participants. This is particularly useful if you have many participants without email addresses. Therefore, assign a username and password that your participants can use to log in.

    Since the password is in plain text here, the participant will be prompted to change their password after logging in.

  • Wird gesperrt am - Here, you can enter a date on which the participant's access will be locked, preventing them from accessing the academy. The date format should be as follows: DD.MM.YY (Example: 24.10.1989).

  • Wird entsperrt am - Here, you can enter a date on which the participant's access will be unlocked, allowing them to access the academy again. The date format should be as follows: DD.MM.YY (Example: 24.10.1985).

  • Authentifizierungsmethode - Create this column and enter "SSO" if the participants should log in via SSO or company accounts.

Important - If you update data for existing participants, data fields that are empty in the updated import will not be lost.

They will only be overwritten if a value is present. If no value is present, existing data (e.g., tags, department, position) will not be lost.


Here’s how you can update existing participants.

Here’s how you can delete participants.