How to export participant data

How participant data can be exported as Excel

The participant data from your academy can be exported into an Excel document.


The following data can be exported:

Basic information from the participant profile (name, email, department, notes, notification email address, etc.), email confirmation, last login, registration time, tags, course participation or course status.

Here’s how you can export course progress & quiz participation at the course level.

Find out how to export certificates for participant groups.


Exporting Data from Participant Groups

If you want to export all basic data from the participant profile, including tags and course participation of individual participants, you can do this through the overview of all participants.

If you’ve selected a specific group of participants using filters (filter participants), you can export the data of these participants into an Excel file by clicking on the "Select Action" button.

You can also combine filters in any way you like to download data for a specific segment. For example, you could filter directly by courses.

A window will then appear where you can choose a file format and finalize the export by clicking the "Export" button.

You can choose between a CSV or XLSX file.

Additionally, you have the option to include or exclude course participation (including course status) and/or participant tags in the export.

Afterwards, the download of the Excel file will start automatically.