How to edit, copy, archive or delete courses

How to work on your courses or delete them

In your administration area under the "Courses" menu, you can view all the courses you have created. When you hover over a specific course, a three-dot menu appears in the upper right corner. Clicking on it will show the options to Edit, Duplicate, Archive, and Delete.


You can upload learning materials (such as PDFs or videos), schedule live sessions and in-person events, manage your participants, add users, adjust basic course settings, and modify visibility and other course details.


A copy of the course will be created in your overview.


If the course is no longer current, you can archive it. Archived courses will still appear in the learning history, but participants can no longer enroll in them. You can find the course in the archive afterward.


Your course will be deleted after you confirm it.

To permanently delete the course, you must first type the word LÖSCHEN in uppercase. This is a safeguard to prevent accidental course deletions.

Currently it is not possible to restore deleted courses in reteach!