How to create quizzes

Determine questions and answer options for a quiz lesson

Add a new lesson and select the Quiz option.

Choose an appropriate name and describe the content for this lesson. Below that, you have the option to create questions for your participants.


You can create the following types of answers:

  • One correct answer - You can mark only one answer as correct. This means your participants can only select one answer in the quiz.
  • Multiple correct answers - You can mark several answers as correct, and your participants must select all of them to receive full points.
  • Long text answer - You can accept long text responses from your participants. This question will not be graded as right or wrong.
  • Short text answer - You can accept word or sentence responses from your participants. This question will not be graded as right or wrong.

There is no character limit for text answers.

By clicking on "Create question", you can create additional questions. You can create up to 100 questions per quiz.

Questions can also be displayed to learners in random order. You can choose whether all questions or, for example, only 10 out of 20 questions should be asked. You can set this in the menu on the right:


For each question, two answer options are automatically generated. You can decrease the number of answer options using the trash can icon or increase them by clicking "Add answer".

Additionally, you have the option to make questions optional for your participants. Simply click on the "Required" toggle next to each question. If you do not mark a question as required, participants can skip the question during the quiz, and it will not be included in the scoring.

You can also add an explanatory image or video to each question, which will be displayed directly under the question in the quiz.

On the right side in the settings, under the "Pass the quiz" section, you can set the percentage of correct answers required for participants to pass the quiz. Simply move the slider on a scale from 0 to 100%.

If participants leave the quiz in the middle, their progress will be saved.

Alternatively, you can also embed a gamified quiz (e.g., created with H5P) via the iFrame code lesson. However, note that the results cannot be exported in this case.

Note: A quiz must only be passed by participants if the lesson is marked as mandatory; otherwise, it can simply be skipped.