How to automatically add participants to the academy and courses

Find out how to utilise the Zapier integration to easily add participants to the academy and courses

Via an import, participants are entered into the academy quickly. If you are already using a database for participants, you can easily introduce them into the academy via Zapier - this also allows you to tag them in the same step or add them to courses. This is how it works:


What is Zapier?

To optimise redundant steps and design the customer journey more efficiently, a process automatisation may be of use. One of these automation softwares is Zapier.

Zapier is a tool which automatises workflows and therefore simplifies complex processes to reduce human interaction and make time for other tasks.

Zapier connects different web applications through certain actions and creates so-called Zaps which transmit data and therefore achieve process automatisations.

Additionally, actions from frequently used apps and softwares are connected and synchronised so that recurring processes can be automatised.

This requires "Zaps", automatised workflows, which connect actions between your web applications. Zaps are composed of two elements:

  • a trigger
  • and the following automatised actions

The trigger ensures that the Zap - the desired action - is initiated and the set action started:

Teilnehmende automatisieren

An example:

New participants register in your academy and create an account. With Zapier, you can set up the automatic transmission of data to reteach which then automatically enters the person as a participant. No import is needed!

Which available actions can be optimised at reteach at the moment?

Here you can find an overview of all existing options you can set up:

  • Create participants
  • Add participants at a certain date/remove them
  • Add participants to a group and remove them
  • Update and block participants
  • Create and delete groups
  • Add and remove groups to/from courses
  • Create and delete courses
  • Create and delete tags

to only name the most relevant out of many actions here.

How you can use Zapier

Zapier offers a free version in which Zaps can be created easily. Simply register and get going. The interface is created very simple and user friendly.

If you have any questions feel free to approach us via chat or email. We are happy to assist you in setting up processes with Zapier.


Test here whether there are fitting integrations for reteach.