How to add tags to participants

How participants can be filtered and searched more efficiently using tags

Would you like to filter your participants more precisely and mark them according to your own criteria? Then it's best to work with tags.

For example, if you want to split your participants into two groups, you can assign the tag "Group A" to one half and "Group B" to the other half.

If you then want to display all participants of Group B in the participant overview, it's best to use the filter option. Here’s how it works.

But how can you initially add a specific tag to participants?

There are four ways to tag participants:

  1. Adding tags to individual participants
  2. Adding tags to multiple participants in the academy
  3. Adding a tag to participants in a course
  4. Adding tags during participant import

Adding tags to individual participants

In the participant overview, click on a specific participant you want to tag. Then, you will enter the participant's profile. In the bottom right, there is a "Tags" section, where you simply click on "Tag hinzufügen" (Add tag).

Next, either select an existing tag or create a new one. To create a new tag, just enter the tag name and save it by pressing Enter.


The selected participant is now associated with this tag and can be found and selected using the filter function.

Adding tags to multiple participants in the academy


In the participant overview, all participants of the academy are displayed. If you select a filter, only participants that match the filter criteria are shown.

To tag multiple participants, click on the purple "Select action" button and then on "Tag participants."

You then have the option to either select an existing tag or create a new tag for your selection.

Adding a tag to participants in a course


You can do the same with individual or multiple participants in a course. Just go to the participant overview and select one or several participants at once. For the latter option, check the box next to the name.

Via "Select action," you can now add a tag to multiple participants.

Adding tags to multiple participants during import

You can also add tags to participants during import. Simply enter the respective tag in the table under Tag 1, Tag 2, etc.


If you want to add tags to existing participants, you can overwrite the existing tags in the Excel table.

Important: Check the box "Aktualisiere die Teilnehmenden, falls diese bereits existieren" (Update participants if they already exist) so that the new tags are applied. Complete the process by clicking the "Start import" button.