How to add licenses for catalog courses to participants

You have decided to use content from our course catalogue. Now, you only need licenses.

How to Use Our Catalog Courses and Add Licenses

What is the reteach Course Catalog?

To optimize learning success with e-learning, we offer over 240 pre-made courses in our catalog that perfectly complement your self-created content and ensure a comprehensive learning experience.

In the catalog, you'll find courses on Microsoft Office 365, data protection & IT security, occupational health and safety, as well as language courses and training on Agile skills, leadership, and sales. Discover our ready-made learning content from vetted providers to train and further educate your employees effectively.

If you want to test the courses, you can get a preview of them. Feel free to contact us if you would like us to introduce you to our catalog courses.

For more information and pricing, visit our website or read the article: How to Use Ready-made Learning Content from the Course Catalog.

How to Use Catalog Courses

Once you decide to use content from our course catalog, we will activate licenses for you in your account. Each participant requires a license.


There are three ways to add licenses for catalog courses to participants:

1. In the Participant Profile

2. Automated via a group

3. In the Participants Area for selected Participants

  1. In the Participant Profile

    Go to the respective participant's profile and use the Add License (Lizenz hinzufügen) button at the bottom right to assign the catalog licenses:


    In the next step, choose which license you want to assign:


    By checking the box "Add participant to all included courses" (Teilnehmer*in zu allen beinhalteten Kursen hinzufügen), participants will be automatically added to all courses in the catalog package.

    If you prefer not to automatically add participants to all courses and want to decide which courses they complete, leave the box unchecked and do not select this option.

    You can later see in the profile which courses the participants have been added to.

2. Automated via a Group

It’s quicker and automated to add catalog licenses to participants by assigning them to a group:

In the group, you can select which licenses should be added, including multiple selections.

If there are not enough licenses for the number of group participants, the licenses will be grayed out and cannot be added:

If you choose to assign licenses via a group, participants will not be added to any courses yet; you will need to do this manually afterward.


For information on creating groups, refer to the article: Managing Participants in Groups.

3. In the Participant Area for Selected Participants

In the participant area of the academy, you can assign a license to specific participants you have filtered:

Use "Add Filter" to select a filter or tag by which your participants are filtered and displayed.

Under "Action for this Selection," choose "Add Licence".

Note that by selecting the option "Add participant to all included courses" (Teilnehmer*in zu allen beinhalteten Kursen hinzufügen), participants will be automatically added to all courses. If this is not desired, do not select this option.

As with the other methods, if there are insufficient catalog licenses for the selected participants, no licenses can be added.

If you do not immediately and automatically add participants to all courses, you will need to do this manually afterward. You can add participants either individually or as a group to a course. For guidance on how to do this, see: How to Add Participants to a Course.

In the respective courses, you can later see how many licenses have been used so far:

The license management will soon be optimized. We will inform you once it is ready.

Currently, it is not possible to remove licenses for multiple participants at once; this can only be done individually. If you need to remove licenses for 30 or more participants, let us know, and we will handle it for you.

Please note: This can only be done if the licenses were not added via a group.

We are working on making it possible to remove licenses for multiple participants soon.

You can always test licenses beforehand. Just contact us via chat or email.