How participants can enter your academy

How participants can sign up in your academy and how you can manually create new participants

Once your academy is created and published, you may want to add participants to your academy. There are two ways to do this:

  1. Participants register themselves.
  2. You manually add participants.


Option 1: Participants Register Themselves in Your Academy


In the settings, you have set a domain for your academy. By sharing this link with your future participants, they can directly register themselves for your academy.


It's important to ensure that in the settings under "Academy" and "General," the option for allowing visitors to register is checked.


Visitors with the link to your academy can now register using the following field.

Your participants will encounter this registration form.

Once completed, the user becomes a member of your academy and can view all courses set to "Public." If you want to restrict a course to selected users only, you can set that course to "Private."


Option 2: Manually Adding Participants


reteach also allows you to manually add participants. You can manually enter each participant's login details and invite them directly via email. This process is described in detail in this guide.

Alternatively, you can also import multiple participants at once.