1. reteach help-center
  2. Settings
  3. Personalisation of your academy

Design Guide - how to design your academy

Edit colours, fonts, banner measurements and design of your academy

If you would like to design your academy in the colour scheme of your website or CI, you have the full freedom to do so under Academy and Layout. By clicking on the correct field, you can choose a colour of your liking or enter the exact Hex code of your colour.

Start page

In your settings

Under the tab Startseite you can upload a banner for the desktop and mobile version of your academy. Ensure you comply with the resolution recommendation for the best outcome.


Layout - colour settings

Primäre Farbe (primary colour)

  • Title of your course on the course buttons
  • Speaker's name
  • Chapter/lesson path font in your online courses

Sekundäre Farbe (secondary colour)

  • Secondary navigation bar (inside a course under the progress tab, under "courses", "my profile" and "sign out")
  • Cookie banner

Link- & Button-Farbe (link & button colour)

  • Main headline in the academy's start page
  • Buttons in course and button on cookie banner
  • Course heading in the course
  • Lesson headings
  • All hyperlinks in your academy

Akzentfarbe (accent colour)


  • Writing on the main navigation tab ("courses", "my account", "sign out")
  • Social Media buttons
  • Course navigation points
  • Link to imprint and data protection

Schriftart (font)

  • All texts in your academy

The logo and icon of your academy can be adjusted, too. For this, the corresponding file of your logo needs to be uploaded.