Request course access within reteach

Your participants can request course access. We show you how.

If your courses are not meant to be fully public and should only be accessible to a specific audience, then the course request feature is exactly what you need.



  • The course must be publicly visible.
  • Participants must be registered.

Below the visibility setting Publicly Visible, you can choose to require a course request before participants can join:

Where it normally says Start, participants will now see Request Participation:

After clicking this, a window will open with the participation request:

If participants are not logged into the academy, the button will remain inactive:

In reteach, you can now approve or decline the request through the Notification Center.

If there is an error in the approval or decline process, you can still undo it in the moments immediately after clicking:

Once the request is either approved or declined, the person will receive a notification.