Notifications for independent sign ups to courses

Administrators can now profit from another notification option and therefore an improved overview - the notification for independent sign ups to courses.

Public courses are visible to all participants of an academy and can be completed autonomously. To provide administrators with a better overview about who completed which course, we now offer notifications for autonomous sign ups.

When is this notification triggered?

A message is sent as soon as participants start a public course to which they were not added by an administrator.

Who can see these notifications and who are they sent to?

Administrators can subscribe to these notifications under the 'My profile' tab:

Untitled design-14The notification will be shown to all administrators who have access to the course and the participant in the newsfeed:  

Screenshot 2024-07-24 at 13.14.10


If executives and management should be informed, we need to enable this beforehand. For this, please send a brief email to or contact us via chat. There are two options, of which one can be enabled:

The notification is either sent to the manager (in manager mode) or to the email associated with the participant or their group membership (in notification mail mode).


After enabling from our side, the notification is sent to the manager associated with the participant's profile.

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Notification Mail Mode

The notification is sent to the email address which has been entered in the participant's profile or the group which the participant is a member of.

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