Legal Aspects

double optin, imprint, T&Cs, data processing agreement, data protection declaration in regards to participants of your academy

With the reteach software, you can offer your own online academy with content that your customers can sign up for as users. This involves some legal aspects:

Member Registration

For registration, we use the legally required double opt-in process. A user of your academy only achieves "Verified" status after confirming their email address via a link. This is important for email communications: for legal reasons, we only send emails to users who have confirmed their email address through the double opt-in process.


Data Processing Agreement

When your customers or users register for your academy, we store their registration data in your user account. This includes the email address, first name, and last name. Since this involves personal data under the GDPR and national data protection laws, it must be regulated by contract. To this end, as the operator of the reteach software, we enter a data processing agreement with you in accordance with §§ 28 ff GDPR. This agreement is mandatory for you as the operator of the service and is required by the GDPR. It is your responsibility to conclude the agreement with us. We have made this process simple by allowing you to electronically sign the agreement based on a template. (Read More)

Provider Identification

You are the provider of your academy. We only provide the technology and infrastructure. Therefore, under legal regulations, you are required to provide a legally compliant imprint (depending on your country), as well as your own Terms and Conditions (if applicable) and a Privacy Policy (DSE). Find more information here: Read More