How to set settings for Single-Sign-On (SSO)

How to simplify signing into your academy for participants

With Single-Sign-On (SSO) participants are able to sign into reteach via an existing system such as Microsoft 365. In this article we are showing you how to configure SSO settings according to your requirements.



  • Your account is under the Professional or Enterprise tariff
  • SSO via SAML (Microsoft Entra - previously Active Directory) or SSO via OpenId Connect have been activated and set up

How to configure SSO based on your requirements

Enter the reteach admin area and navigate to the Settings tab. Here, enter the section Settings -> Integrations -> SSO. On the right side, you will see the following settings:

SSO aktivieren (Activate SSO)

Participants can only sign in via SSO when this option is active.

Protokoll (Protocol)

For the Single-Sign-On, we support the protocols SAML and OpenID Connect. If you want to connect Microsoft Entra (previously Microsoft Active Directory) with reteach, SAML is he right choice.

Teilnehmende können sich anmelden, ohne zuvor bei reteach manuell angelegt zu werden (Participants can sign in without having to be manually entered into reteach before)

If you have participants or employees who participate in courses but have not been registered in the academy yet, you can activate the setting for participants to be able to sign in without having been registered. This automatically creates a participant profile in the academy after the first sign in using the SSO identity provider.

Login-Formular & Anmeldemethode (Login form & sign-in method)

If this option is activated, participants can either use a password set in reteach or sign in using SSO, depending on which way of signing in has been set up.

Deactivate this option if you are certain all participants have selected SSO as their way of signing in. This can be done individually for each participant by changing the field Anmeldemethode ändern -> Für alle ändern or during the import.

"Mein Konto" extern verlinken (Link my account externally)

If you would like to only allow participants to change their profile using the SSO Identity Provider, the option "Mein Konto" extern verlinken can be activated and the URL of the participant profile added. This enables the participant to edit and manage their profile via the SSO Identity Provider directly.


Useful information

You are using Microsoft Entra (previously Active Directory)?

If you are using Microsoft Entra or a similar system as SSO Identity Provider, it may make sense to automatically sync participants. Find out more here.

You do not synchronise your participants?

If your processes allow, import your participants beforehand. Through the import you can eg. build a group structure which saves you a lot of work when assigning courses.