How to set deadlines for participants

To ensure learning success, you can set deadlines. We show how it works.

With our new Compliance Workflow Add-On, it's now even easier to automate training and instructions. To implement this, there are two prerequisites:

  1. You have purchased the Compliance Workflow Add-On.
  2. The course is mandatory for the person or group.

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The following features will make training easier for you:

  • Mandatory Participation - You can choose whether a training is mandatory.
  • Deadlines & Due Dates - Set deadlines for when your participants must complete specific courses.
  • Recurring Training - Optimize and automate mandatory training and instructions through course repetition.
  • Automatic Reminders - Set up reminders to notify your participants to complete a training.
  • Certificate Expiration Dates - Set the validity period for certificates.

Here's how you can set up and use these features:

Mandatory Participation

Navigate to the course and add your participants:

Select your participants and activate the mandatory participation (Pflichtteilnahme). These individuals are then required to complete the course. In the next step, you can set deadlines for the course.


Next, decide whether the course should be completed once or multiple times (Einmalig or wiederkehrend), and by when it should be finished:

Recurring Training

If the training needs to be repeated regularly, you can select the Recurring Training function:

Specify when a course should be completed and how often it should be repeated. Additionally, set a deadline by which the recurring training must be completed.

Automatic Reminders

You can also set up reminders that notify your participants to complete a training, even after the official deadline:

Certificate Expiration Dates

You can also activate the certificate for the course and, for recurring training, specify how long it should be valid.