How to set a completion date in a course

How to set a time limit for participants for the completion of a course

Setting a course completion deadline helps you better regulate access to your course. Participants who miss the deadline will receive a notification and will no longer be able to start the course. To set up a completion deadline or due date, you need the Compliance Workflow add-on.

Dynamic for all new participants

With this setting, you can specify that new or all participants have a certain number of days to complete the course from the time they start. You can set this up when adding participants to the course.

To do this, navigate to the course in the admin area and click on "Add Participants":

After selecting your participants, activate the mandatory participation (Pflichtteilnahme) option and specify the due date, i.e., when the course must be completed.

You can also set up one or more automated email reminders for your participants and activate certificates simultaneously.

If you want to set this up later, simply click on the respective participant and activate the due date:

Adjusting Due Dates for Participants

You also have the option to adjust the due date individually for each participant. To do this, go back to the profile of the relevant participant and reset the due date.

Note: The due date is not an automatic time restriction for your participants. After the deadline passes, participants will still have access to the course. However, the course will be marked as "Expired" in your admin area, allowing you to manually remove participants from the course.