How to sell courses via Digistore24 and manage affiliates

How you can sell your courses using Digistore24 and integrate your affiliate program within reteach


If you want to increase your sales through an extensive affiliate program, you are probably already familiar with the online sales platform Digistore24.

Setting Up Your Course in Digistore24:

Once you've met the prerequisites (see above), your first step is to set up your course as a product in Digistore24. To do this, navigate to the "Account" menu in your Digistore24 account and select the "Products" option.


Next, add a new product.


Fill out the following form with your product details. Your product is your course in reteach. Since the form is quite extensive, we'll cover only the most important settings in this article:

Product Information:

Product Name:

This is the name of your course. Under "Product name for buyers," you can specify how the name of your course should appear to buyers. This allows you to create a unique label under "Product name."


Product Type:

Essentially, you are selling access to your academy and thus to your course through Digistore24. Your academy is considered a membership area, so you can select the "Membership Area" category.


Affiliate Commission:

This determines how much of the revenue from the sale of your course goes to your affiliate partner, whose link the buyer used to purchase the course.


Automatically Accept Partnerships:

Here, you can decide whether affiliates can promote your course without additional confirmation from you.


Sales Page:

Here, you can add the link to your sales page. Your sales page should have a button that allows potential buyers to purchase your course. This button will later redirect buyers to the Digistore24 order form, which you can also customize.


Once you've completed the form, click "Save" to create your product.

Order Form:

Next, you can customize your order form. This appears after a buyer clicks your "Buy" button. It's important to add a product description and include your support contact information in case customers have questions about your course. Confirm your changes by clicking "Save."

Payment Plans:

In this section, you can set up the payment plan for your product. Here, you decide the price of your course, the currency, allowed payment methods (PayPal is integrated by default, allowing participants to pay via PayPal), discounts, and whether payments are one-time or recurring. Confirm your settings with a click on "Save."


Now, you have successfully set up your course in Digistore24. There are many other settings that you can explore later at your leisure.


In the next step, navigate to the "Links" tab in your product settings in Digistore24. There, you will find the link to your course's order form. You need to insert this link as the redirect for your "Buy" button on your sales page.

Setting Up Zapier Integration:

After setting up your course in Digistore24, switch to your Zapier account and create a new Zap.

Everything you need to know about how Zapier works, including terminology and examples, is summarized here: Zapier Introduction.

Creating Your Zap:


1. Select Digistore24 as the app for your trigger and the corresponding trigger event: "New Order Event."

2. In the next step, connect your Digistore24 account with Zapier.

3. Under "Set up trigger," select "Payment" as the event and choose the course in your academy that you want to sell through Digistore24.

4. Test if your trigger works by clicking to proceed.


1. First, select the reteach app (Beta) and the corresponding action event "Add Customer to Course."

2. Then, connect your reteach account with Zapier.

3. Under "Set up action," you must specify the email address that your buyer will use to log in to your academy and take your course. Then, choose the course to which your buyer should be automatically added. This is important if the course is private, as otherwise, your buyer might not have access to the course later. Set the "Create Customer" value to "True." This will automatically create the buyer as a participant in your academy with their email address and assign them to the course. Finally, set the "Send invitation mail" value to "True" so that your participant receives an invitation email to the course, which will also allow them to set their own password for your academy.

4. To finalize the Zap, test your action once more.


If the test is successful, you can click the "Turn on Zap" button, and the automation of your course sales through Digistore24 is complete. 🎉

Affiliate Program via Digistore24


If you want to start your affiliate marketing, you must do this directly through Digistore24.

There are two ways for affiliates to promote your course or product:

  1. For each of your courses that you set up as a product in Digistore24, you have an affiliate link. You can find this by logging into your Digistore24 account and navigating to the "Products" menu. For the product your affiliates should promote, click on the three-dot menu and select the "Promo Link & Affiliate Invite Link" option.

    Under "Invite Affiliates," you'll find the link you can send to your affiliates so they can sign up as affiliates for your product.

  2. Alternatively, you can also find the promo link in the product information form when editing your product. Affiliates simply need to replace the placeholder "AFFILIATE" with their Digistore ID in this link.
  3. In the product settings, set the "Automatically accept partnerships" option to "Yes." In this case, other affiliates can also find and promote your product in Digistore24 without needing additional approval from you. If you set the option to "No," affiliates can still find your product but must request permission before promoting it.