How to create a video lesson

How to add videos to your lessons and what needs to be considered

In the first step, create a lesson in reteach.

Give it a suitable name and click the button Video.

In the box Contents you can describe the topic of the video in a few sentences.


Below, there is the following field:

Screenshot 2024-07-24 at 23.36.32

Here you have two option:

1) You can upload a video from your computer by dropping or selecting a file. If you click 'select', a dialogue window opens which allows you to open the correct video from your computer.

Supported data formats are: MP4, MPEG, WEBM (max. 10 GB)

Supported video codecs: H.264, H.265, VP8, VP9, MPEG1, MPEG2


2) Additionally you can include videos via their URL from YouTube or Vimeo. On Vimeo, the visibility settings have to be set to "public" or "exclude from Vimeo".

> Using Vimeo, alternatively an embed code can be generated and the video can be added to reteach via the iFrame lesson.


On the member's platform there is no visible difference between the different forms of embedding the video.



The maximum allowed size of a video is 10GB.

Do not exit the page during the upload. Save the lesson as soon as the upload has been completed (100%).

After upload, the video must be processed (also called encoding). You do not need to wait during this step. You can exit the lesson after saving.

The processing time is usually the same length as the video itself. In some cases it can take slightly longer.