1. reteach help-center
  2. Courses
  3. Live trainings and sessions

How to create a live training

How to create a live training/webinar

Create Your Live Training in 3 Steps:

  1. Prerequisites

  2. Create Live Training

  3. Publish Live Training



  1. You have already linked your Zoom account or Microsoft Teams account with reteach. Learn here how to install the reteach app in your Zoom account, or here how to connect MS Teams with reteach.
    Alternatively, you can use another video conferencing provider of your choice. This provider is not integrated with reteach but can be used via a custom URL.
  2. Your course limit has not been exceeded. More information about limits can be found here.


Create Live Training

  1. Log in to your reteach account and navigate to Courses in the left navigation bar.
  2. Click "Create Course" in the top right corner.
  3. Select "Live Training."
  4. Set a name for your live training and schedule at least one session.

  5. Choose your preferred video conferencing provider. You can select between Zoom, MS Teams, or a custom URL.

  6. Click "Create Course."

You have now created your live training. If you want to add more sessions, you can do so by creating new lessons. More information on this can be found here.


Publish Live Training

  1. Click on your course or live training.
  2. Adjust the visibility settings by setting the live training to private or public in the right sidebar.

Private courses are only visible to participants you select.

Public courses can be seen by all your participants.